Marine Johnson


Agent Karine Lapierre
Coordination Marie-Eve Galaise
Voice agent David Remington

Weight : 55.8 kg
Height : 164 cm
Eyes : blue
Hairs : châtain
Spoken languages : français - anglais (petit accent)
Member of : UDA


The young and talented Marine Johnson has been a part of the cinematic industry of Quebec since 2012, when she took on the role of Sophie in the feature film Ina Litovski, by Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette and André Turpin. At the young age of twelve, she received the UDA Award for Best Female Actress for that performance. 

Marine has since studied dramatic art and performance at the Cegep Saint-Laurent, while maintaining her presence of the big screen. In 2016, she performs in Y’est où le paradis? a film by Denis Langlois. In 2017, she is Valerie in Sophie Lorain’s Charlotte a du fun. That same year, she makes a memorable performance in La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes, directed by Simon Lavoie, and inspired by Gaétan Soucy’s famous novel. In 2018, she is in the running at the Canadian Screen Awards for Best Female Actress in a Lead Role, while also receiving a nomination at the Gala Québec Cinéma for Revelation of the Year. 

In the spring of 2019, Marine takes on the world of theatre and performs in 21, a play written by Rachel Graton and directed by Alexia Burger on the stage of the Theatre d’Aujourd’hui. In 2020, she appears in the television series Mon fils and takes on the role of Mélanie in the cinematic adaptation of Geneviève Pettersen’s novel La déesse des mouches à feu, directed once again by Anais Barbeau-Lavalette. 

In 2021, we can see her at work in the series Bête Noire by Sophie Deraspe, Les petits rois by Julien Hurteau and Campus. On the big screen, she was in the cast of Les Oiseaux ivres, a film chosen to represent Canada at the Oscars. Since 2022, she has played the role of Florence in Hervé Baillargeon's series Six degrés, for which she was nominated for the Gémeaux of the same year. She also plays Rosalie in STAT.
Recently, Marine returned to the stage under the direction of Clara Prévost in the play Brillante, and she played the role of Henriette in the feature film Et la moitié du temps, je veux rentrer chez moi.

Download CV
  • Et la moitié du temps, je veux rentrer chez moi / Henriette / Pier-Luc Latulippe / Cheval Films / 2023
  • Jusqu'à ce que tu meures (court-métrage) / Léa / Florence Lafond / La compagnie fille inc. / 2022
  • Les oiseaux ivres / Léa / Ivan Brgovic / Micro-Scope / 2021
  • La déesse des mouches à feu / Mélanie / Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette / Coop Vidéo / 2020
  • Je finirai en prison (Court métrage) / Comédienne / Alexandre Dostie / Art et Essai Production inc. / 2019
  • Amies (court-métrage) / Pascale / Marie Davignon / Nellie Carrier / 2018
  • Tu te souviendras de moi / Jeune Nathalie / Eric Tessier / Christal Films Productions inc. / 2018
  • Surex (court-métrage) / Comédienne / Sandrine Maltais / 2018
  • Charlotte a du fun / Valérie / Sophie Lorain / Amérique Film / 2017
  • La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes / Ali/Alice / Simon Lavoie / GPA Films / 2016
  • Y'est où le paradis ? / Emilie / Denis Langlois / Castor & Pollux / 2016
  • Ina Litovsky / Ina / Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette & André Turpin / Les Productions Flow / 2012
  • Six degrés / Florence / Hervé Baillargeon / Encore Télévision II inc. / 2022 to today
  • STAT / Rosalie / Aetios / 2022 to today
  • CAMPUS / Béthanie / Philippe Gagnon / Duo Productions / 2021
  • Bête noire / Léa-Rose / Encore Télévision inc. / 2021
  • Les petits rois / Sandra / Julien Hurteau / Zone 3 inc. / 2021
  • Mon fils / Béatrice / Mariloup Wolfe / Duo Productions / 2020
  • District 31 / Dania Mercier / Simon Barrette / District 31 inc. / 2018
  • Le voleur de sandwichs / Narration / ICI Radio-Canada / 2021
  • Je voudrais qu'on m'efface (livre-audio) / Narratrice / Bulldog / 2021
  • Heartbeat de Ghostlykisses / Comédienne / Fred Gervais / MetaFilms / 2022
  • Alone and forsaken / Comédienne / Kristina Wagenbauer / 2022
  • Vidéoclip Matt Holubowski / Clara / Téléscope Films / 2020
  • Au coeur de la rose / Le Marin / FTA / Jérémie Niel / Pétrus / 2024
  • Brillante / Adèle / Clara Prévost / Théâtre Denise Pelletier_pas utiliser / 2023
  • Les Glaces / Jeanne / Maryse Lapierre / Théâtre de la Manufacture / 2022
  • 21 / Zoé / Alexia Bürger / 7 Milimètres / 2019
  • Voice type / Alto


Télévision et cinéma

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