A graduate from the Conservatory of Dramatic Arts of Quebec (class of 1998), Stéphan has a career that includes countless experiences as an actor and director. In particular, he is noticed in numerous television productions such as 30 vies, where he played Dr. Gariépy and Au secours de Béatrice, where he played the role of Jean-Gilbert between 2014 and 2018. On the big screen, he is directed by many directors such as Nicolas Monette (Le Trip à trois), Alexis Durant-Brault (C’est le cœur qui meurt en dernier), Ricardo Trogi (1987) and Francis Leclerc (Le plongeur).
On stage, Stephan has impressed us with his creativity both as an actor, in Opium_37 at the Quat'sous Theater, in La Librairie of the Théâtre du Gros Mécano, or in Fame (Just For Laughs Productions), and as a director. Indeed, he orchestrated many plays such as Le Brigadier by Gosley at the New Experimental Theater, Cour à Scrap at the Prospero Theater and Genesis'74 by À tour de rôle Productions. In 2018, he directs Impromptu at the Rideau Vert Theater, as well as Comment le cancer de mon grand-père m'a fait découvrir le disco. The next year, we saw him in the play Le Schpountz presented at the Rideau-Vert and on tour.
Lately, Stéphan makes apparitions in a few of our favorite series, notably La maison bleue, Toute la vie, Indéfendable, Cérébrum, STAT and Désobéir.